
Department of Energy Announces $179 Million for Microelectronics Science Research Centers

The IC design team will be participating in the project "Nanoscale hybrids: a new paradigm for energy-efficient optoelectronics", led by LBNL, as well as the project "Adaptive UltRa-fast Energy-efficient Intelligent Sensing technologies (AUREIS)", led by SLAC. Both projects are members of the Microelectronics Energy Efficiency Research Center for Advanced Technologies (MEERCAT).

DUNE Scientists Observe First Neutrinos with Prototype Detector at Fermilab

The revolutionary new technology at the heart of DUNE’s new prototype detector is LArPix, an innovative end-to-end pixelated sensor and electronics system capable of imaging neutrino events in true-3D that was conceived, designed, and built by a team of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory physicists and engineers and installed at Fermilab earlier this year.

A Better Understanding of DNA Unpacking

Scientists took an atomic look at a protein complex that grants access to our DNA. A deeper knowledge of how it works could help develop better therapies for cancer and Alzheimer's. The work was performed using the K3 direct electron detector (Gatan) operating in super resolution mode with a pixel size of 0.595 Å. The sensor electronics were developed by the LBNL IC design group.

Award for the RD53 Collaboration

The ATLAS and CMS Collaborations have decided to mark the achievements of the RD53 Collaboration with a special recognition for the remarkable contribution to the HL-LHC upgrade with the design, submission and testing of the ATLAS ITkPix and the CMS CROC pixel readout chips for the Inner Tracker detectors.

Newly Released Roadmap for Particle Physics Includes Support for Berkeley Lab Projects

The much-anticipated 2023 Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) Report, which outlines particle physicists’ recommendations for the next decade, was accepted on December 8 by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP), which advises the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of High Energy Physics (HEP) and the National Science Foundation’s Mathematical & Physical Sciences Directorate (MPS).

Berkeley Lab develops next generation pixel detector and readout chip technology for HL-LHC

A team of Berkeley Lab physicists and engineers are developing next generation pixel detector and readout chip technology for LHC’s high-luminosity upgrade at CERN.

LArPix: Berkeley Lab’s new 3D pixel tile detection system for DUNE

A team of engineers and scientists in Berkeley Lab’s Engineering and Physics Divisions have conceived, developed, and built a prototype 3D pixelated detection system for DUNE, the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. DUNE is an international flagship experiment focused on neutrinos, the study of which may help researchers understand the mysterious balance of matter and antimatter in the universe.

Science in Motion: Nano-Materials to Make Better Light Sensors

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory staff scientist Maurice Garcia-Sciveres is leading a collaboration with other Berkeley Lab scientists, and researchers from UC Berkeley and Sandia National Laboratories, to develop powerful light-sensing microchips. The team is leveraging their expertise in nano-materials and integrated circuit design to develop new materials and techniques for smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient microelectronics that can be used to address societal challenges.

R&D 100 Awards Honor Seven Berkeley Lab Innovations

Seven innovative technologies from Berkeley Lab have been honored with a 2022 R&D 100 Award. Berkeley Lab’s winning technologies diagnose disease, generate green hydrogen, improve battery performance and recyclability, and increase energy efficiency.

We are Berkeley Lab: Interview with IC Designer Amanda Krieger

Amanda Krieger can’t believe she has been at the Lab 30 years this month, “It just doesn’t seem that long. I think relativity is at work here,” she says. In 2017, she was recognized with a Director’s Award in Diversity to promote LGBTQ inclusion at the Lab. Her work included making the Lab a welcoming workplace for all communities and raising awareness of the Lab’s progress in diversity and inclusion.

How Can Next-Gen Computer Chips Reduce Our Carbon Footprint?

Berkeley Lab scientists Maurice Garcia-Sciveres and Ramamoorthy Ramesh discuss how future microchips could perform better – and require less energy – than silicon. Over the next three years, they will lead two of the 10 projects recently awarded nearly $54 million by the Department of Energy to increase energy efficiency in microelectronics design and production. 

Amanda Krieger, Director’s Award for Exceptional Achievement in Diversity (2017)

Amanda Krieger, Engineering Division IC Design Engineer, was awarded the 2017 Director’s Award for Exceptional Achievement in Diversity. The Director’s Awards program recognizes significant achievements of Lab employees.  Each year, these awards are given for accomplishments, leadership, collaboration, multi-disciplinary science, cross-divisional projects, and commitment to excellence in support of the Lab’s mission and strategic goals.